After Touro

Because a major strength of and source of pride for the Graduate School of Social Work is your ability to help students from many educational and social backgrounds connect so meaningfully to their communities, gain relevant experience through field work and internships, and start (or strengthen) careers in social work, we want to give outcomes a place in the top-level navigation.

An introductory paragraph should explain how your academic approach and institutional mission continues to shape student lives after they have received their degree.

Cite a few examples of the opportunities the Field Work program has helped connect students to and positions Touro alumni now hold.

Success stories and post-grad experiences should be featured as rotating stories.

Reiterate the value of faculty advisors and field instructors as having pivotal roles in the development of many students’ post-GSSW social work experience.

IA Recommendations

We suggest you start small with this area. Let’s try to make this one page very good before adding to it—in particular, finding ways to develop stories. We’ve made Facts about the Profession a sub-page here called Careers in Social Work.