
Alumni Association Dinner

October 29, 2015 5:30pm – 8:00pm ET
10/29/15 5:30 PM 10/29/15 8:00 PM Alumni Association Dinner Lander College for Women Alumni Association Dinner
Lander College for Women
227 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023

Attend the alumni association reunion dinner to meet, greet, network and discuss!

It's a great opportunity to:

  • network with alumni, faculty and friends
  • meet your alumni association leadership
  • discuss trends and issues confronting social workers today 


5:30pm - Networking and Dinner

6:15pm - Program

7:30pm - Reception

In Conversation

Our program will feature a dialogue with Dr. Robert Schachter, Executive Director, NASW NYC Chapter, on jobs, careers, licensing and mindfulness.


$20 per person for alumni and guests

RSVP to attend, or make a donation