
Community Day: Reslience

March 13, 2019 3:45pm – 7:00pm ET
03/13/19 3:45 PM 03/13/19 7:00 PM Community Day: Reslience Lander College for Women Community Day: Reslience
Lander College for Women
227 West 60th Street, New York, NY 10023

Join us for our spring community day, on the topic of RESILIENCE.

Keynote speaker is:

David Mandel
CEO, OHEL Children's Home and Family Services

David Mandel is the Chief Executive Officer of OHEL Children's Home and Family Services. OHEL has been serving New York City and the metropolitan area since 1969. OHEL provides training and consultation to communities throughout the United States on a range of issues.



4PM - Opening Remarks and Welcome, Dean Steven Huberman 

4:30PM - Keynote Address

5 - 6PM - Interactive program lef by GSSW professor, Annecy Baez, and GSSW graduate, Bobby Staley, now working in Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, on adverse childhood experiences, addictions, disasters and other causes of serious stress. What are the best resilience strategies?

6PM - Kosher Dinner and Discussion