
NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Reporting Seminar

March 10, 2019 4:00pm – 6:00pm ET
03/10/19 4:00 PM 03/10/19 6:00 PM NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Reporting Seminar Touro College, Brooklyn Campus, 4th Floor NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Identification and Reporting Seminar
Touro College, Brooklyn Campus, 4th Floor
902 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, NY 11223

NYS mandated training related to child abuse is required to help prepare MSW students for licensure exams. According to NYS Office of Professions, individuals applying for their LMSW must provide documention of having completed the coursework or training through a Department-approved course. Touro Graduate School of Social Work offers this course free of charge to our students. The course meets the state requirement for identifying and reporting child abuse.   

The course begins promptly at 4pm. No student will be allowed in after 4:10pm