We give you the tools, knowledge, and support you need to make a difference.
Become a Challenge Navigator
Today’s world is both bigger and smaller, closer together and further apart. It is full of unique opportunities and difficulties. The Graduate School of Social Work will give you the ability to help others navigate the complex challenges of our times, even as they continue to change.
Serve as a Change Agent
We prepare you for clinical social work. You will master more than the basics of counseling; you will learn how to develop a therapeutic relationship with your client and how to use that relationship to effect beneficial change in your client.
Equal Parts Textbook and Experience
Our philosophy is activism as academics. You have the opportunity to participate in a fellowship program that allows select students to work with military veterans or gain training in Elder Care. On one of the coldest nights of the year, you can walk the streets of Manhattan with NYC’s Department of Homeless Services and help raise awareness by counting the city’s homeless population. And, as faculty, we lead our own community within Touro by example through mentorship and collaboration.
Our seminar-style classes give you easy access to your professors and a wealth of information and know-how. Internships and fieldwork give you hands-on experience, allowing you to pursue your interests, find new ones, round out your capabilities, and apply what you’ve learned. Our students have worked with young children and the elderly, veterans, recovering addicts, the formerly incarcerated, and everyone in between.
By graduation day, you’ll be ready to conquer anything, and equipped to help anyone.