
Dedicated to the practice of social work and to educating future social workers, our professors are eager to share their world of experience. They look forward to helping you every step of the way and, ultimately, welcoming you as a peer.

Nancy Gallina

Nancy Gallina, PhD, LCSW

DeanAssociate Professor
Annecy Baez headshot

Annecy Baez, PhD, LCSW

Vice-Chair, Practice SequenceAssociate Professor
Allison Bobick portrait

Allison Bobick, LCSW

Director of Student Advancement
Susan Brot

Susan Brot, LMSW

Associate Director of Field Education and Advisement
Nancy Feldman

Nancy Feldman, PhD, MCAT, LMSW

Chair, Human Behavior in the Social Environment SequenceAssociate Professor
portrait of Steven Huberman

Steven Huberman, PhD

Founding Dean, Dean EmeritusProfessor of Social Work Administration
Sarala Kislack

Sarala Kislak, LMSW

Director of AdvisementProgram Liaison
Steven Kranz

Steven Krantz, DSW, LCSW

Chair, Practice SequenceAssociate Professor
Kenny Kwong

Kenny Kwong, PhD, LMSW

Chair, Research SequenceProfessor
Eric Levine

Eric Levine, DSW, LMSW

Director, Social Work Alumni Engagement & Financial Resource Development
Elhanan Marvit

Elhanan Marvit, LCSW

Director of Program Operations
Athena Motal

Athena Motal, PhD, LCSW-R

Director of Recruitment, Outreach, and Enrollment Management
Folusho Otuyelu

Folusho Otuyelu, PhD, LCSW

Licensure Preparation ManagerAssociate Professor

Steven Pirutinsky, PhD

Associate Professor
Linda Ricciardi

Linda Ricciardi, LCSW

Visiting Professor of Clinical Social Work
Roberta Shiffman

Roberta Shiffman, LMSW

Director of Field Education and Advisement
Alan Singer

Alan Singer, PhD, LMSW

Director of Jewish Community Outreach
Dorrine Veca

Dorrine Veca, LCSW

Assistant Director of Field Education & Advisement
Jennifer Zelnick

Jennifer Zelnick, MSW, ScD

Chair, Social Welfare Policy SequenceProfessor